‘Tis the Season (for relevant content)

November 10, 2020 • Articles
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‘Tis the Season (for relevant content)

For my communications and marketing friends: anyone else struggling to get excited by content lately? This year has felt like a never-ending slog of content creation, exacerbated by the need for to-the-second COVID-19 updates, blurring the concept of time as we know it.

Yes, days are flying by faster than ever (or, really, just fading from one to the next). And yet, our jobs require us to keep up with what’s relevant, be it trends or timely messaging. Do yourself a favor, and keep up by getting ahead – create structure and fuel inspired content by pulling a list of holidays that are relevant to your brand/company. Ever wonder how everyone online seems to know that it’s ‘National Generic Holiday Day?’ Well, there are websites, like National Today, that can be a resource to help you stay in the loop.

Mark your calendars, and start looking ahead now – what holiday, federal or otherwise, aligns with your brand? Are there any holidays that you could use as an opportunity to promote a member, a sponsor, or a coworker? What about holidays that help reinforce your company’s values, like commitment to workplace safety, or environmental stewardship? (If you’re looking for inspiration, I highly suggest checking out the National Park Service’s accounts.)

Planning your content calendar doesn’t need to be difficult, and holidays (big or small) can be an easy source of evergreen content. Plus, think of the endless themed graphics! Free graphic design programs, like Canva, usually have stickers or stock photos you can use to get the creative juices flowing.

Trust me: a little bit of planning now can spare you the future haunting of the Ghost of Christmas Past.