Putting the “O” in PESO
In the world of public relations there is a model for everything. When it comes to handling media relations, that model strategy is known as PESO—Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media. The model is structured so each media type plays a role and serves a purpose to an overall well-rounded media strategy.
Those unfamiliar with the PESO model may naturally assume the media types are arranged left to right by level of importance, but in this case, it’s simply a memorable acronym. Paid media technically comes first, but owned media actually comes first in the process. Why? Owned media assets are the foundation of the media strategy and provide a means for the other pieces to work.
Everyone wants media coverage, but what are you doing to prove the value you are able to provide? In order to gain media traction, you have to show before you can tell. Almost all earned media starts with owned media. Owned media is the content your organization creates on its own: blogs, videos, visual content, podcasts, case studies, etc. This content is considered owned because it lives on your own platform, website, or channel.
Creating owned media means you are developing content that showcases your brand’s realm of expertise. It opens the door to which earned media can walk through.
When planning an owned media strategy, there are a few key pieces to keep in mind. Keep it unique. If you’re producing the same podcast, blog or video as everyone else in your industry, how do you expect to stand out? Find your secret sauce and own it! Next, identify the type of media coverage you want. It will serve as a guide and help you build out content that feeds each media outlet’s appetite.
Finally, instead of focusing on quantity, be strategic and put care into quality content that gets your message across in a clear way.
If your goal is increasing earned media, owned media should be one of your top priorities. Just remember: know your topics, stick to your plan, and keep it unique.