
Lynnsey Gardner Baker


Lynnsey Gardner Baker is an award-winning journalist and communications expert with nearly two decades of experience in journalism, government relations, and strategic communications. As a Director at NP Strategy, she combines investigative skills and storytelling to deliver impactful results for clients across various industries.

As a nationally recognized investigative journalist, Lynnsey won three national Edward R. Murrow Awards and three Emmy Awards for her investigative reporting while working at WJXT-Jacksonville and WRDW-Augusta. One of her series led to the passage of four new federal laws after being featured in a congressional hearing by Senator Marco Rubio.

Before joining NP Strategy, Lynnsey served as Communications Director for the City of Forest Acres, elevating its profile through innovative media strategies and crisis communications. Her leadership on key initiatives earned recognition from state municipal leaders and speaking invitations to share her expertise.

At NP Strategy, Lynnsey continues to craft compelling narratives and build trusted relationships, helping clients navigate complex communication challenges with creativity and precision. Her proven track record makes her a trusted partner for organizations in today’s dynamic media landscape.

Lynnsey is a proud second generation alum of the University of Georgia. Her alma mater awarded her the John E Drewry Young Alumni Achievement Award for her broadcast career successes. She lives in Forest Acres with her husband and three young children.

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